Donations/Help us
Despite our idyllic surroundings we need your help to keep our donkeys fed and healthy. Annual care and maintenance is very high.
- Annual Flu and tetanus vaccinations are 30 Euros per donkey
- Hoof Care every eight weeks 25 Euros per donkey
- Worming every eight weeks 10 Euros per donkey
- Food and Hay 8 Euros per day per donkey
- Member of staff 100 Euros per day
- One of our main ongoing priorities is to provide warm and watertight cover for the donkeys.
- Nutrition, clean water and their living arrangements are as important as vaccinations, de-worming and hoof upkeep.
As donkeys are not native to Ireland they are not equipped to cope with our cold, wet weather and a hard winter can be devastating to donkeys that are not protected from the elements. They suffer particularly from skin and hoof conditions which are uncomfortable for the animal and difficult to treat.
We are building and improving good quality stabling to keep our donkeys secure throughout the coming winters.
We greatly appreciate any help you can give us in looking after our donkeys. We accept donations by PayPal and bank transfer – or help us regularly by setting up a standing order.
Bank Transfer
Bank Of Ireland, Carrick On Suir
Account Name: Belline Donkey Sanctuary
Sort Code: 90-59-69
Account: 93972959
IBAN: IE83 BOFI 9059 6993 9729 59